Legal advice in real estate sector in Mexico, including to mention some:
Legal and fiscal advice in the acquisition and / or sale of real estate of a commercial or residential nature.
Preparation of construction contracts, real estate lease agreements and Property Management “Pool of Rents”, as well as granting of rights over real estate.
Negotiation and preparation of all types of construction contracts in its various forms including work at a fixed price, turnkey and infrastructure.
Analysis and advice on “ejidal” properties.
Structuring and drafting Real Estate Development Trust agreements.
Structuring and drafting of the Trust Agreement in Restricted Zone.
Creation of condominium property regimes, elaboration of condominium regulations and condominium assemblies.
Negotiating with authorities the use of property owned by the government.
Preparation of all kinds of agreements in relation to the transfer of ownership, granting use and possession of real estate, including bailment, right of way, usufruct, swap and donation agreements, among others.
Legal advice in the merger and subdivision of real estate.
Legal advice in the corrections of measurements and boundaries. Preparation of legal documents and negotiations regarding buildings for industrial, commercial, tourist and residential use, including condominiums and developments in general.
Audits for the determination of the situation of real estate with respect to encumbrances and the type of property, whether private or “ejidal”, as well as the revision and application of the necessary permits for the construction or development thereof, including administrative and environmental matters.