Integra Legal is a Mexican Law Firm based in Hermosillo, Sonora with presence in the United States of America and offices in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Our lawyers have a combined experience of more than 30 years in business advice and are specialized in corporate, mining, tax, wealth management, real estate, labor and judicial and non-judicial conflict resolution.
The firm has bilingual lawyers, with some authorized to act as “Foreign Legal Consultant” in the State of Arizona. This allows us to provide customized legal advice, with the highest professional standard, to our domestic and foreign clients with an offer of integral prevention and solution measures in different industries.
The firm is specialized in structuring and advising foreign investment in México for all of our areas of expertise, with the sole purpose of providing integral and personalized service within the highest standards of quality, ethics and efficiency.
Our mission is to contribute to the excellence of our clients, by providing legal and tax services through comprehensive, professional and reliable advice, generating added value and allowing us to provide the best alternatives to achieve the set objectives.

To be the main law and tax firm in the northwest of the country and to consolidate ourselves as the most reliable option for the provision of legal services in our practice areas.
Developing the potential of all our professionals and collaborators, we will have managed to turn Integra Legal into a model of professional excellence in the region.
In the search for the best alternatives for our clients and the best ways to undertake them.
Cooperation with our clients and their work team, between the members of our firm and counterparts to find solutions for the benefit of the parties.
To our clients and their interests.
In the fulfillment of the set objectives and the times established with our clients.
Generate in our clients the security of being in the best hands to achieve their set objectives.
Give our best effort so that our work stands out above what others do. The set of all these values conform our code of ethics to conduct ourselves with transparency to our clients and collaborators.